Writing IS A Journey
Not a Destination

I have an idea, but the words take me on their own path.
I write the way I travel - freedom at its core.

It’s the space between the first and last sentence that shapes my thoughts. Writing helps me understand who I am and where I want to go. But more than that, it connects us - you and me.

The moment my fingers touch the keyboard or my pen meets the paper, something shifts. The way I begin is never how I end. It’s in that space between where thoughts take shape, where inspiration sparks, where clarity emerges.

Writing isn’t just about words. Writing is about making sense of the journey.
It’s my way of sorting thoughts and finding direction, about connecting the dots.

I don’t just write for myself - I write for you. To offer a different perspective, to make you feel seen, to spark something in you. Maybe you recognize yourself in my words, in the struggles, the choices, the moments of clarity.

Maybe my journey helps you make sense of your own. And by sharing it, I hope it becomes that for you too - a mirror, a push, a pause to reflect.

A gift for you to unwrap.
A thought to carry with you.

Writing is powerful.
But speaking is next level.

Dag lieverd, tot zo  

When my world collapsed, I felt alone and misunderstood. I immersed myself in everything I could find about grief - how it works, what it does to you, and how to move forward. It gave me insight, but something fundamental was missing.

What I missed, besides Jeroen and my old life, were real stories. Not theories or abstract ideas, but raw, honest accounts that show that life is still possible - even after the unthinkable.

Where are the stories that give hope?
That prove a future still exists, one worth living?

Where were the stories that offer hope?

I knew I had to write this book. It’s my way of offering recognition, comfort, and hope to anyone who feels lost. A reminder that even from the deepest low, there is a way forward - and upward.

What I never expected was how far my story would reach.

Since the publication of Dag lieverd, tot zo, I have given countless interviews - on radio, television, and in newspapers and magazines. Time and again, people tell me how my words have touched them.

Some say my story made them feel less alone for the first time. Others tell me my book gave them the courage to chase their dreams, to travel, or to start over.

These reactions prove one thing: my book resonates. It brings recognition where there was once loneliness and hope where despair prevailed.

With Dag lieverd, tot zo, I make a difference.

And that is why I wrote it.
That is why I keep sharing.

Because no matter how heavy life gets - there is always a way forward.

And if I can do it, so can you.

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Landrover magazine

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